Josiah Daniel Williams


Developer · Leader · Communicator

I'm a passionate DevOps Lead, Mobile Developer, Full Stack Engineer, and Entrepreneur. Currently, Founder/Lead at RLMS. Formerly, Head of Software Development at PT United. Living in Greenville, South Carolina, USA.

+1 828-384-0896 · [email protected] · · · · ·

Relevant Experience


RLMS Co. Greenville, South Carolina, USA. (2021 - Present)

Leading the team building a geosocial utility for sharing irl experiences and communities.

  • Designing and developing a unified realtime geospatial/mapping social network and collaboration platform for Web, Android, and iOS built on top of React Native, TypeScript, ZeroMQ, ReactJS, NestJS, C++ OpenStreetMaps, Kubernetes, Apache Ignite, R2(CloudFlare S3), S2Geometry, MMKV, MapLibre, FlatBuffers, PyTorch, Python, Java, ProtoMaps, RNUILib and React Native Web.
  • Maintaining a seamless multiplatform + remote development experience and DevOps pipeline based on Ansible, NX, Vagrant, QEMU/VirtualBox, Docker, Packer, Yarn, K3s, GitHub Actions, Ruby, Volta, BitWarden, Skopeo, Zot, netbird, Helm, StorybookJS, PenPot, Jest, and cloud-init.

Head of Software Development

PT United LLC. Nashua, New Hampshire, USA (Remote). (2020 - 2021)

Oversaw all internal and external engineering teams, while working with CEO and CTO to translate vision and goals into actionable R&D.

  • Managed the addition of stream processing (Kafka) and Microservices into SupplyStream to improve performance, increase team autonomy, and speed up feature development.
  • Improved the speed and quality of search within SupplyStream by leading initiative to integrate Elasticsearch.
  • Directed the implementation of development and admin CLI tooling to speed up the development process.

Lead Engineer

PT United LLC. Nashua, New Hampshire, USA (Remote). (2019 - 2020)

Lead in-house engineering team, and oversaw transition to new architecture and adoption of DevOps processes.

  • Lead modularization of codebase and adoption of zero-downtime deployments, load balancing, and A/B testing utilizing Kubernetes and Docker.
  • Lead rearchitecting of 2nd gen unified logistics, PIM (Product Information Management), and CRM (Customer Resource Management) platform (SupplyStream) to enable versioning and rollback of all records, cross-device sync, incremental data fetching, improved search, polymorphic relations, multitenancy, process queuing and batching, multi-channel notifications, and unified mobile-first UI/UX using extensive knowledge of frontend design, software engineering, cloud architecture,
  • Greatly reduced infrastructure cost by moving resources to Google Cloud Platform and Digital Ocean.
  • Increased the cadence and robustness of deployments by using Jenkins (Java, Groovy) to implement CI/CD practices to automate the testing, building, and deployment phases of the application lifecycle.
  • Reduced the IT and operations team data management/aggregation by extending API's/Integrations(REST, XML, CSV, XLS, PDF, JSON), and automated data scraping + web crawling (Selenium).

Fullstack Engineer

Independent Contractor. Greenville, South Carolina, USA (Remote). (2018 - 2019)

Helped develop ERP, CRM, PIM, PDM, CMS and e-commerce applications for the medical, logistics, physical therapy, and academic fields.

  • Majority of applications built using Laravel or NodeJS backend, with a Vue or React frontend, data and caching handled by MySQL and Redis, proxied over Nginx.
  • Maintained and migrated legacy Zen Cart, WooCommerce, and Magento applications.
  • Also managed/used AWS (infrastructure), MailGun (email), MailTrap (email testing), Vagrant (development), Git (versioning), GitHub (code reviews / collaboration) dotenv (environment), S3 (media storage), Eloquent (ORM), and CloudFlare (DDOS/DNS).

Software Developer and Web Designer

Independent Contractor USA (Remote). (2012 - 2017)

Built/Upgraded complex PHP and WordPress applications and add-ons.

  • Improved infrastructure speed and response time by implementing caching and compression (Redis, Nginx, Imagick, gzip), adding bundling and preprocessing (LESS, SCSS, SASS, Grunt, Gulp, Webpack, + others) refactoring and normalizing data (MySQL, DBeaver, MariaDB + others)
  • Created custom mobile-first themes for the WordPress platform utilizing Bootstrap, Backbone, Angular, Handlebars, Foundation, CSS3, React, JQuery, PHP, MySQL, MariaDB, and HTML.
  • Designed, developed, and sold software plugins which allowed end users to add animations to their websites, process payments, control access, run donation campaigns, and build basic social networks (profiles, posts, channels, groups),
  • Managed and oversaw the migration of legacy websites to WordPress.

Software Development Apprentice

Patton Electronics Co. Rockville, Maryland, USA (Remote/Commute). (2010 - 2012)

Built and managed websites for medium to small business with oversight from Special Projects Team.

  • Used knowledge of HTML/XHTML, CSS, PHP 5/4, MySQL, JavaScript, and Ajax to build/modify plugins and themes on top of the WordPress platform.
  • Deployed and maintained client's servers, email, storage, and infrastructure utilizing knowledge of Linux(Ubuntu/Debian), Apache2, FTP, SSH, IP, HTTP, TCP, IMAP, SSL/TLS, iCal, 3rd party APIs, and cron (among other tools).

Relevant Education and Honors

  • Bachelor of Arts in Theology & Biblical Studies at Regent University. Virgina Beach, Virgina, USA. (2015-2019)
  • Bachelor of Science in Physics & Computer Science at University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, USA. (2013-2015) (incomplete)

Activities and Interests

  • I've been an avid backpacker since I joined the Boy Scouts at 11 (yes, I made it to eagle scout!). These days I've expanded into climbing, snowboarding, longboarding, paddleboarding, kayaking. This year I'm picking up mtn biking and going on my first true mountaineering trip!
  • My maker/diy streak started early (10ish) when I began making stoves, tents, sleeping bags, and cooking gear to earn some pocket money. Currently, I'm building my own baremetal cloud / homelab and experimenting with modular takeaway/packaging (think lego applied to disposables).
  • Eventually I'll go back for my PhD in Philosophy; but in the meantime, I'm always down to discuss phenomenology, pedagogy, mathematics, hermeneutics, or anything related to film, mythology, or game design.
  • Other/Lesser Languages, Tech, and Skills: Objective-C, Terrform, Inkscape, Figma,, GIMP, Adobe XD.